About Us: Madison County Racial Justice Coalition
“The truth is, no one of us can be free until everybody is free.” - Maya Angelou
The Madison County Racial Justice Coalition (MCRJC) is inspired by the work of the Racial Justice Coalition of Asheville/Buncombe county. The MCRJC seeks to model strong positive allyship to the communities of color in Madison County in a commitment to racial equity while advocating for the rights of People of Color with law enforcement, elected officials, and public institutions through policy change, issue education, and relationship building among community citizens and businesses.
The Madison County Racial Justice Coalition exists to foster a spirit of community, advocate for positive social change, and pursue justice and equity alongside people of color in Madison County, N.C.
Our Mission
Our Beliefs
We believe that grassroots leadership is directly linked to building community
We believe that movement and organizing work centered on the impact of structural racism should be accountable BIPOC
We believe in centering those most impacted by systemic racism and oppression
We believe in the transformative and healing power of justice
We believe that undoing racism requires doing the hard-intentional work of shifting power and reallocating resources
We believe in creating empowering transformational relationships, not corrosive transactional relationships
We believe that the criminalization of Black people is interwoven with the inequities of other marginalized groups
We believe that none of us is free, until all of us are free
2020 - 2023
An African American History Month Resolution was presented to the Mars Hill Town Aldermen and approved Feb. 1, 2021. Included in the resolution are ongoing commitments to having meaningful conversations about race; continuing to engage in training programs aimed at strengthening cultural, racial, and ethnic competency and awareness by the town; continuing to promote hiring policies and practices that give full consideration to racial and ethnic diversity and representation, continuing to voluntarily include race data in reporting traffic stops conducted by law enforcement.
On April 15, 2021, a Community Conversation about Race was held — a facilitated conversation with student representatives, new police chief and town aldermen, with Caroline Twiggs and Jonathan McCoy accompanying the students.
In October 2021, the Coalition sponsored a Community Block Party that brought together community members and students that participate in DEI groups at Mars Hill University.
In April 2022, the Coalition hosted a Racial Justice 101 workshop with the YWCA of Asheville and Madison County Health Department with 30 people were in attendance.
In May 2022, the Coalition began a partnership with Mt. Olive Cemetery, a historically black cemetery in Mars Hill. Members are working on boundary and encroachment issues.
In October 2022, the Coalition hosted Civility Training with School Resource Officers, Community Members, and MHU Students, partnering with the National Institute for Racial Equity.
In January 2023, the Coalition began Sacred Grounds, a year-long dialogue on race
and faith.
In January 2023, the Coalition partnered with Mars Hill University’s Center for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion to host Madison County’s first Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Breakfast.
In February 2023, the Coalition collaborated with Mt. Olive Cemetery to host a fundraiser to benefit the cemetery's preservation and memory.
In February 2023, the Coalition started a Book Club with a Mars Hill University Social Work class.
In April 2023, the Coalition began an Implicit Bias training series for White Allies.
In June 2023, the Coalition partnered with Mars Hill University’s Center for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion to host Madison County’s first Juneteenth Celebration.
In June 2023, the Coalition hosted Drs. Mullen from the City of Asheville and Buncombe County Community Reparations Commission for discussion on reparations.
In November 2023, the Coalition participated in its inaugural First Friday in Mars Hill.

Meet Jayson
Recent Mars Hill University graduate, Jayson Moorman created a 2020 video about an afternoon’s journey with little preparation but extreme love. A taste of what our world needs: education, understanding, compassion.
Jayson offered, “Anywhere can be unified….. With this unity, we will be unstoppable!”
Goals for 2022
GOAL for Engaging in Community Education
Deepen relationships among community stakeholders and the Mars Hill University (MHU) campus community by engaging in fellowship, education and enrichment.
GOAL for Recruitment and Outreach/Relationships/Community Engagement
Partner with community organizations for food, fellowship and sharing in order to learn about human difference and the cultural diversity in the county, leveraging these events in order to cultivate public awareness of the work of the Coalition.
GOAL for Municipal Election
Improve engagement between students and community members around political/local issues by holding meetings on campus involving students, community members and local officials.
Town of Mars Hill
Black History Month
In 2021, the Madison County Racial Justice Coalition introduced the below resolution to the Town of Mars Hill - it was adopted on February 1, 2021 with minor changes.